Stampede Blog

Articles / Tag / project management



From Developer to Project Lead

Tony used to be more comfortable blending into the back rather than standing out. But at Stampede, people change. This is the story of a developer that blossomed into an awesome project lead. Keep Reading


Tips on Delightful Client Onboarding Experience

on boarding

Zana talks on client experience tips, involving in the process and thoughtfulness of user experience - and why going extra mile doesn't hurt too. Keep Reading


The Stampede Way to Scrum: The Blitz

Stampede Blitz

Take a glimpse at how we at Stampede run 'The Blitz', an important part of how we work as a remote company. Jared explains it so eloquently. Keep Reading


On Being Nimble

Empowerment is making your employee the true owners of your business. As much as you are accountable to each other, you are also invested in each other's growth. The good news is, if you're a small business, you're probably already doing that anyway. Keep Reading


A Day In The Life of a Project Manager

Zana the Wonder Woman tells you to sit down so she could relay on how her typical schedule in Stampede looks like. Also, she gets to use the word oftentimes, which makes her giddy. Keep Reading


Immensity of the sea

Every day is an adventure for Zana the Project Manager! Keep Reading


“All Happy Families Are Alike…”

Zana carried the same notion of regarding everyone in Stampede as family members when she joined in, much like other companies she had been in before. That way, in times of those affectionate points of brushing past each other purring contently or during those fraught moments of tearing each other's hair apart, she will be obliged to love and protect them, come high or low. Keep Reading


My Favourite Dudes

A project requires many things: fulfillment of responsibilities, good cooperation, effective communication and the awareness to be your own leaders. When everyone shines at meeting the demands of their specific roles in a project whilst having so much fun, the project manager can sleep peacefully at night. Have a look at how we do it. Keep Reading


Managing Web Projects and People

As a project manager and a virtual one at that, Anita came across articles that shed a new light on her daily job scope and the different personalities of people she's involved with. As experience alone is not enough to grow, she still have plenty to learn and in the process. Here she shares articles that she hopes to be useful to the readers. Keep Reading


On Good Communication

Anita Zein writes about the importance of communicating good especially in the wonderful chaos that comes with her project management turf. Good communication attracts great clients and bring about the happiest of team. Keep Reading