Stampede was recently recognised as bp’s Most Nurturing Design Partner at bphxd global’s first partner collab in London. 🎊 We’re excited, humbled and grateful for this recognition. This is a clear signal that our collaboration with bp in enterprise delivery support and nurturing design talents is making waves and impact globally.

In November 2023, I was in London with our designers to attend design leadership and research conferences. We have several design clients in the UK, bp being one of them. We scheduled a visit to Douglas House, home to bp human experience design team (bphxd). Having worked with the bphxd leadership team for a few years, this was our first time meeting everyone in person and what lovely humans they are.
The humans behind the human experience design
We had the privilege of meeting Roger Rohatgi, VP and Global Head of Design at bp, whose strategy towards designing the future gave us traction to design better sustainable solutions for people and planet. There were Richard Fry and Hitesh Parmar, from bp DesignOps team, who are just utterly lovely people, inside and outside of MS Team.
We also had a lovely conversation with Christina Li from Design Integration, sharing how design sprints can deliver win-win results for both design process and product progress. We even ended up having an adhoc research roadshow workshop with Souleymane Camara, Head of Research and his team, exchanging ideas and our experiences in immersive research.
But above all, we had Barry Day to thank, for coordinating this visit and for just being a fantastic support to our team from day one.
Later during the week, I shared my lessons and reflections on my learner’s journey at BP Design Fuel, a monthly global streaming to bp designers everywhere. It was a lovely way to encapsulate the past two months’ journey inspired by the many considerations, conferences and connections I’m grateful to have been a part of.
Collaboration, not competition
🙌🏼 Camaraderie is one of our core values at Stampede, and seeing the lengths bphxd took to appreciate their design partners showed me this is what great, collaborative partnerships are capable of making.
Connecting with other design partners like The Brothers, Method and Zebra People also opened up opportunities for me to have an even bigger discourse over our current and future roles in designing for sustainability.

Thank you, Roger and the leadership team at bp hxd for creating this space for recognition, collaboration and learning. Thank you too to bp Malaysia team for being so welcoming and friendly to our mighty, can-do design team.
P/s: If you want to design the future too, we’re hiring!