As a Front-End Web Developer, I deal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and HTML on a daily basis a lot. Dealing with styling and html structure for cross-browser sites requires a lot of digging and investigating as there are always different several workarounds and techniques while encountering issues. Thankfully, there are always an abundance of online resources me and fellow programmers can turn to.
These are amongst my favourites:
Stack Overflow

Deemed as the Quora for programmers, Stack Overflow is a site based on the concept of crowdsourcing where a user posts a question and will be answered by other users who have the knowledge. Free with no registration, this is the site where I first consult because most of the time, I would find the solutions here.
Smashing Magazine

With several categories such as Design, Mobile, UI/UX and loads more, Smashing Magazine is packed with interesting articles based around web design and development – which is not only useful for experienced designers and developers, but also for newbies and basically anyone who is interested in web development in general.
CSS Tricks

Owned by Chris Coyier, a designer at CodePen, CSS Tricks offer a lot of cutting edge techniques for use throughout the development process.
JS Fiddle

JS Fiddle is an open source javascript editor which offers you a canvas to try new stuff and share with people without the need to upload to your own server. It is good for experimenting, which I highly recommend.
A List Apart

A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. Like Smashing Magazine, the site provides a lot of good articles regarding web development. I could spend hours and hours here going through every article.
CSS Community

CSS Community is a special community for CSS Designing Discussion on Google+. Among the topics discussed are CSS techniques, tips, tricks and many more. Functioning as a community, the members would also help you if you have any issues regarding CSS.
CSS3 Generator

Instead of writing all CSS3 stuff manually one line after another, which can be time consuming after a while – why not give it a try at CSS3 Generator?

ColorZilla is a Mozilla extension that assists web developers and graphic designers with color related and other tasks. Pretty handy to speed up the development process.
Have you got your own list and would like to share with us? Feel free to add them in the comments section!