Way to go Modal, Inc. for their new rebrand!
Modal and Stampede have been partners for 3 years, way back when Stampede was few months old. Together the two firms had worked on many projects that ranged from corporate web presence to user interface development. The guys at Modal are not only breathtakingly good in defining user experience that works, they are simply great people to work with too.

As such, we were ecstatic to be involved in the Modal’s new site redesign and development. Designing with Modal will always be series of rewarding challenges. And especially so in this particular project.
Nailing the new color theme, getting the typography right, translating pixel details and white space accurately into xhtml/css, applying subtle mootools effect without compromising originality of the design – these were all projects in their own right. And after barely 10 days of development (awesome work yet again, Shaiful) the website was launched in – what we like to think – all its splendour.
See the process of Modal rebranding chronicled here and the buzz on Twitter. We’ve definitely had a blast designing and developing the site. From the rest of us at Stampede, congratulations to the team at Modal for the awesome rebranding experience!