If your online store is not yet optimised on mobile, you are missing out big on sales. Dahlia gives a rundown on some tips to improve mobile user shopping experience. Keep Reading
Articles / Author / Dahlia Ahad
If your online store is not yet optimised on mobile, you are missing out big on sales. Dahlia gives a rundown on some tips to improve mobile user shopping experience. Keep Reading
Remote Work
Dahlia the designer shares stories about the laidback town of hers, Arau in Perlis - and how it was possible that Arauans might be Italians in their earlier life. Keep Reading
User Experience
An e-commerce store design sometimes gets in the way of the product and overwhelms user. How do we design product displays that are clean and minimal? Keep Reading
Dahlia walked us through the process of designing a mobile note-taking app, from ideation to user interface design. World, say hi to Goat Note! Keep Reading
UI Design
Zana and Dahlia explore the reasons users only scan content online instead of reading, and how designers can best use this information to their advantage. Keep Reading
Dahlia discovers what it is like to learn and unlearn things after joining Stampede, as well as gaining a group of ridiculously funny friends and a new family in the team. Keep Reading