Stampede Blog

Articles / Tag / UXdesign


User Experience

Raising the Ceiling of Design in Malaysia

Stampede Makers has always been our way to celebrate the spirit and love for the craftsmanship of designers and creators. In December 2023, we ran our Makers Edition 6. It is fully organised by the team at Stampede and over 100 people signed up. Throughout most of 2023, we’ve been curious about our role as… Keep reading

User Experience

Human-Centred Designs Powering Digital and Sustainability Initiatives at PETRONAS

For the past five years, Stampede has been collaborating with PETRONAS, enabling and advocating for the integration of user-centred design processes into their digital tools. And recently, we attended PETRONAS Digital Day 2023 at KL Convention Center, an event that celebrates all things digital and how we all have a part to play in the… Keep reading