
User Experience

Designing Tomorrow: AI as a Co-pilot for Design in Stampede

A Gift of Fire, Design & AI, Reflections When Shaza revealed in our Slack channel her upcoming talk on AI/UX at Ørsted on April 25th, I was beaming with excitement as the notion of AI/UX sparked a curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension in me. Would this innovative frontier replace our roles, or augment… Keep reading


I’m a Work in Progress (& That’s Okay): An Apprentice’s Reflection

This is not a how-to guideOne of the things that no one prepares you for when transitioning in a career, or shall I say when you pivot, is that there isn’t any one, two or three ways of doing it. There’s no playbook, no step-by-step and that’s exactly what my post entails. A mere reflection… Keep reading


Designing the future with AI and data at Makers 7

Design and technology are industries where precision, personalisation, and efficiency are increasingly sought after. At Stampede Makers 7, we explored how data and AI are shaping the future of design. Held at Xendit KL in March, the event brought together designers, technologists, and curious minds to see how these tools are transforming the way we… Keep reading

User research and strategy

Part 2: Learnings from World Usability Congress

So have you read about some context about the conference in Part 1? Well, we shared a little about the event orchestrations in the previous blog. Now, let’s focus on the next part. We attended the workshops on Day 2 of the Focus Days and also talked on the latter Conference Days. Following are the… Keep reading

User research and strategy

Part 1: World Usability Congress x Stampede

Stampede team has always strived to stretch the design world beyond meeting the current industry standards; we’re here to redefine it. We aim to always keep excellence as our standard, stretching beyond just design execution. We are dedicated to elevate design, marrying strategy with innovation to chart new territories. In achieving this, Shaza, our co-founder… Keep reading

User research and strategy

Application of Hybrid Research Method to Uncover the Right problem

Stampede offers various solution services to address client’s problems, across the world and Malaysia – one of them being service design, to address problems pertaining to workflow beyond the digital realm propose solutions for them. At one point we were conducting research for service improvement of a client from the energy industry, and we investigated… Keep reading

User research and strategy

10 Lessons from Designing A Product

When I first joined Toro, which is a product team in Stampede (, the team was in the midst of a sprint. For those who are not familiar with sprint, it is a set period of time during which specific work has to be completed and made ready for review, usually involving the product owner,… Keep reading

User Experience

bp’s Most Nurturing Design Partner

Stampede was recently recognised as bp’s Most Nurturing Design Partner at bphxd global’s first partner collab in London. 🎊 We’re excited, humbled and grateful for this recognition. This is a clear signal that our collaboration with bp in enterprise delivery support and nurturing design talents is making waves and impact globally. In November 2023, I… Keep reading

User Experience

Raising the Ceiling of Design in Malaysia

Stampede Makers has always been our way to celebrate the spirit and love for the craftsmanship of designers and creators. In December 2023, we ran our Makers Edition 6. It is fully organised by the team at Stampede and over 100 people signed up. Throughout most of 2023, we’ve been curious about our role as… Keep reading


Building Team Resilience at Work

Ayu with her drawing talent

As a remote team, we approach cultivating a mentally healthy workplace with intentionality. One of our core values, camaraderie, means you should feel psychologically safe and able to trust the people you work with. And leadership starts by looking out for each other. At Stampede, employees and apprentices enjoy our monthly mental health benefits. There’s… Keep reading