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Articles / Tag / css



The Making of SKROLS

Sani was recently given an assignment to design and develop his own website from scratch. Underneath our hovering, he captures its tale in this blog post. Keep Reading


Fontello As My Favourite Font Icon Service

Years ago, cropping icons for website is no fun as well as time consuming. Fortunately, with many font icon services out there, this is no longer the case. Syazwan elaborates on his favourite service, Fontello. Keep Reading


Dropdown Menu Hiding Behind <iframe>

Chances are many who work with HTML and CSS came across this peculiarity of dropdown navigation stubbornly hiding itself behind an <iframe> element. Syazwan shares the workaround that might just save you hours of hair pullings. Keep Reading


Book Review: Handcrafted CSS

Stampede has recently adopted the Great Book Reward policy for our wonderful team and we have chosen Handcrafted CSS as Syazwan's first book reward - and he describes it as "one awesome book for the intermediate web developer". Keep Reading


My Take on HTML 5

HTML5 is packed with cool new features, code slimming advantage and a few slick solution to the current way we build front-end components of a website. Syazwan gets up, close and personal about the appeal of HTML5. Keep Reading