UI Design
Showcase: Meet the Team pages

Mujib believes that running a working team is like running a kitchen - no matter how bad the recipes are, if you own a great team of cooks and helpers, everything is going to turn out just fine. Keep Reading
Articles / Author / Mujib Jazmin
UI Design
Mujib believes that running a working team is like running a kitchen - no matter how bad the recipes are, if you own a great team of cooks and helpers, everything is going to turn out just fine. Keep Reading
User Experience
Parallax scrolling - where multiple backgrounds seem to move at different speeds - is gaining quite the following among web practitioners. Mujib took the time to dissect three of his favorite websites with the infamous parallax scrolling effect. Keep Reading
Resident Apple fanboy, Mujib shares his enthusiasm and his journey towards becoming an elitist in Apple fandom, much to Syazwan the Android Purist's chagrin. With the roll-out of iOS5 and the newly launched iPhone 4S, he was so stoked to bare it all. Hang on tight. Keep Reading
Remote Work
Mujib wants to share the story about his beloved hometown, but not about the present days of it but more interestingly, about the old days of Kajang based on the first-hand account of his old man. That's right, the man was also born in Kajang in the late 60's, during the time when the town was quiet and unperturbed by development. Keep Reading