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Articles / Culture


Remote Work

Holiday Trip to Cambodia

Shaiful's recent backpacking trip to Cambodia was proven to be a memorable one, including all the horn-happy drivers cruising along the streets. It is a country with fascinating history with thousands of years of civilization, majestic temples and interesting people. Hear how Shaiful tells a tale of his adventures. Keep Reading

Remote Work

A City of Our Own Part III: Kajang

Mujib wants to share the story about his beloved hometown, but not about the present days of it but more interestingly, about the old days of Kajang based on the first-hand account of his old man. That's right, the man was also born in Kajang in the late 60's, during the time when the town was quiet and unperturbed by development. Keep Reading

Remote Work

Just Silence, That’s It

Giving someone an uninterrupted four hours time is the best gift you can give anyone at work. It's better than a computer, it's better than a new monitor, it's better than new software, or what people typically use. Giving them four hours of quiet time at the office is going to be incredibly valuable. Keep Reading


Shocking World Cup

The FIFA World Cup, arguably the most globally-celebrated event on this planet, had begun in South Africa on June 11, 2010 and will end this coming July 11. It is an event worth 4-years of wait. Only this time, it is chocked-full of shocking outcomes. Keep Reading


Kicking Off the Finals

Shaiful takes a break from the webby stuff to talk about the greatest sporting event on the planet - football. Hear him prattling on about how he supported France way back in 1998, and how he strived to feel the excitement supporting the Blues once again. Keep Reading


What I Like About Webcamp KL

Webcamp, to borrow the term, is a series of free events in the spirit of BarCamp with specific focus on topics related to "working" on the internet. It's a great place to catch up with the Malaysian web community and finally associate faces to names you often hear blogging and follow, maybe even stalk, on Twitter. Keep Reading


My Path So Far

Syazwan was having his internship with a data company in KL when he was asked to try out the position of Front-End Developer at Stampede. Under Dov's reign of terror, he learned many essential front-end techniques that are important to Stampede, and had never looked back ever since. Syazwan writes about the experience that led him to Stampede and what has transpired since. Keep Reading


On-Campus Interview

You are an IT student, black circles under your eyes from that last attempt at submitting your Final Year Project in one coherent piece. You have an interview with a web company and you've heard all sort of cautionary tales and advise about your future career. Suddenly you feel like an underdog. Ain't life grand. Keep Reading

Remote Work

A City of Our Own Part II: Kuala Lumpur

Shaiful Borhan shares some first hand experience about life as a city dweller in the culturally-rich Kuala Lumpur. Home of an impressive mix of cultural values, this is one city where age-old tradition blends in with the fine touch of modern lifestyle. Keep Reading


Weekly Bits #1

Small roundup of visually interesting things that we came across the web for the past 7 days. It's our own time-capsule so when we get old and cranky, we'll be reminded of the era of awesome. Keep Reading