
User Experience

My Maybank2u Experience

Despite being the most visited Malaysian website, Guo Lin thinks that Maybank2u is being an itch to him - it does not take lead in adopting web technologies and employing smarter user experience design. Guo Lin shares his take and suggestions on how to improve this. Keep Reading


Disable HTML Auto-Formatting in WordPress

The "HTML mode" in the WordPress editor doesn't really provide you with total control of the HTML being generated on the frontend. Some of the auto-formatting it does are for instance wrapping your inline elements with <p> and line breaks are also interpreted as <p>. If you're someone who likes full control over the HTML of your content in WordPress, this simple solution might interest you. Shaiful shows you how. Keep Reading

Remote Work

Just Silence, That’s It

Giving someone an uninterrupted four hours time is the best gift you can give anyone at work. It's better than a computer, it's better than a new monitor, it's better than new software, or what people typically use. Giving them four hours of quiet time at the office is going to be incredibly valuable. Keep Reading


Book Review: Handcrafted CSS

Stampede has recently adopted the Great Book Reward policy for our wonderful team and we have chosen Handcrafted CSS as Syazwan's first book reward - and he describes it as "one awesome book for the intermediate web developer". Keep Reading

UI Design

Moleskine & Pac Man

Moleskine celebrates the 30th Pac-Man anniversary with a limited edition series featuring cover art and mini-stickers. The five-piece collection includes pocket and large hard cover notebooks, both plain and ruled, and a colorful set of 4 large Volant soft cover notebooks in celebrative packaging. Keep Reading


Quickly Fetch Web Feeds with SimplePie

Let's say we have a university website running on a CMS and a couple of student blogs running on a blogging tool like WPMU. Then on the university website homepage we need to pull several latest blog teasers from the student blogs. We can accomplish this quite easily with a free PHP class called SimplePie. What the library does is it fetches the blog RSS or Atom feed that we provide and parses it into an easy to use formatted data. Keep Reading

UI Design

Let the Fold Breathe

Shaza has been planning and designing websites for quite a while now and in recent years, the same notes keep creeping into our clients' revision request: "Reduce the header height, move sections upward, try to keep everything above the fold." Here's why you should stop worrying about the fold. Keep Reading


Why Higher Education Is Overrated and Skills Aren’t

It is painfully clear to many employers [that there] are serious gaps between elite educational credentials and actual individual competence. College transcripts spackled with As and Bs — particularly from liberal arts and humanities programs — reveal less about a candidate’s capabilities than most serious employers need to know. Keep Reading


Shocking World Cup

The FIFA World Cup, arguably the most globally-celebrated event on this planet, had begun in South Africa on June 11, 2010 and will end this coming July 11. It is an event worth 4-years of wait. Only this time, it is chocked-full of shocking outcomes. Keep Reading


Kicking Off the Finals

Shaiful takes a break from the webby stuff to talk about the greatest sporting event on the planet - football. Hear him prattling on about how he supported France way back in 1998, and how he strived to feel the excitement supporting the Blues once again. Keep Reading