Every week, Wan was assigned to look for three websites he likes the most and why. This week, he presents the first three of his findings. Keep Reading
Articles / Tag / inspiration
Every week, Wan was assigned to look for three websites he likes the most and why. This week, he presents the first three of his findings. Keep Reading
This week on Creative Burst: Wan designed a music player app for fans of rock 'n' roll, Shaza experimented with color pairings and Zana went subversive with her Powerpoint flat design. Keep Reading
In this week's Creative Burst, we forgo flat design for realistic appeal, substituted Photoshop with lo-tech web design and discussed how sense of inclusion is key to engaging users. Keep Reading
Every Friday, some of us at Stampede will hunch over our desks, designing anything we want for two hours. We thought it would be nice to share the results of each Creative Burst. Keep Reading
Shaza recently designed her own ebook reader app to delight the crazy book person in her. Keep Reading
UI Design
Mujib believes that running a working team is like running a kitchen - no matter how bad the recipes are, if you own a great team of cooks and helpers, everything is going to turn out just fine. Keep Reading
Sometimes, it is just as easy as this. Keep Reading
User Experience
Parallax scrolling - where multiple backgrounds seem to move at different speeds - is gaining quite the following among web practitioners. Mujib took the time to dissect three of his favorite websites with the infamous parallax scrolling effect. Keep Reading
Ben Chestnut, the founder of Mailchimp, everyone's beloved mailing list management app, posted guidelines where he grants employees permission to be creative. Hire weird people - check! Encourage employees to create chaos - double check! Keep Reading
UI Design
Shaza developed a habit of browsing and making snapshots of anything that visually intrigues her. She has 6 years full of this happy design baggage and hope that this post will eventually lead to a consistent series of random inspirational bits. Keep Reading