

Towards responsiveness: Part 2

3 weeks ago, Wan briefed us the idea of having a responsive website and the purpose behind it. In the final instalment, he will elaborate on further. Keep Reading


Debugging mobile website through user agents

Iwan's wishful thinking was to have the 'inspect element' option available on his mobile browser, until he found a better solution. Keep Reading


Towards responsiveness: Part 1

Wan is entrusted to work on his first responsive design project for Royal Langkawi International Regatta. Here, he bares it all as the first instalment. Keep Reading

Remote Work

Magic on the move

Zana talks about how working with Stampede enables her to do all the things she has always wanted to do, without ever leaving the job. Keep Reading

User Experience

Software Wars: Toggl vs Harvest

Realising how important time tracking software is, Shen takes a look at two of the most widely-used ones - Harvest and our beloved Toggl. Keep Reading


Workaround for dropdown menu hover on mobile browsers

Shaiful is back, this time with some tips on making dropdown menu hover interaction work on mobile browsers. Keep Reading


Reliable way to render your site on IE6

Syazwan shows how to render your site on IE6 - without breaking anything. Keep Reading

Remote Work

Stampede does Phuket!

It's about to become old news now, but last two weeks the rest of the Stampede team decided it was time to embark on an island vacation to Phuket, Thailand! Keep Reading


Things I’ve Learned So Far

Within hours of joining Stampede, Wan Shariff's first tasks include a presentation on the properties of white space and how it improves web content readability. He had also recently got his hands dirty with live-coding his very first html typography test. Woohoo! Keep Reading


The Joy Of Teaching

Shen joined the Stampede Design family six months ago and had his fair share of learning from the team's senior developers. With Stampede's recent bouts of hiring, he has recently discovered that teaching is sweet. It's payback time. Keep Reading