

Super Firefox Extensions

As web developers, we are often caught in the situation where the things don't go too well. Working or troubleshooting with normal HTML takes times. Syazwan discloses four of his most favourite Firefox extensions that no developers can ignore without losing sleep. Keep Reading


Useful MySQL Query for Search and Replace

When working with databases, one of the tasks that may popped up every once in a while is the need to replace some little snippet of text and all its occurrence throughout the table, to a different text. If you need to perform a quick search and replace on your MySQL database records, Shaiful reassures that you should just take a seat and read on, casually. No biggie. Keep Reading


3 Years Later…

It's crazy. It has been three years since Bird Malaysia first launched and we're still getting reviews from design galleries and making it into "n-list of Website with Awesome footer/navigation/header/color Design" blog posts. Keep Reading


Easy Bookmarking with AddThis

AddThis is a neat little tool embedded into a webpage to make bookmarking and link sharing easier, more interactive and not to mention, cooler too. Here's how you customize AddThis while keeping the W3C validator happy. Keep Reading

Remote Work

The Arizona Trip: Part II

Shaiful continues with the second part of his recent trip to Phoenix, Arizona. The lucky guy went to Grand Canyon. On. A. Fricking. Helicopter. Keep Reading


Just Another Day at Work

Dov juggles between his New York hours and now Madrid, all the while with ridiculous distractions from this furry little critter at Stampede. Hugo, say Hello World. Miaow. Keep Reading

Remote Work

The Arizona Trip: Part I

Clocking 15,000 miles, juggling time-zones, messing up the body clock and hailing snow-balls; the month of January '10 was amazing, and quite physical too for Shaiful as he recounts the first leg of his maiden journey to Phoenix, Arizona for a Stampede on-site project. Keep Reading


My Take on HTML 5

HTML5 is packed with cool new features, code slimming advantage and a few slick solution to the current way we build front-end components of a website. Syazwan gets up, close and personal about the appeal of HTML5. Keep Reading

Remote Work

A City of Our Own Part I: Medan

Anita Zein talks fondly of her best city in the world and how finding its charm is really just a matter of perspective. Keep Reading


Be Sparing

Shaza's earliest memory of books was when her dad took her to her first book fair on his hip Scrambler bike. It was a noisy piece of metal but it was yellow and she loved it. Where others have gadgets and tutorials to help them get better with design, she has her trusty, unassuming, delicious books. Keep Reading