We cover our get-together exploits from having Viki flying all the way from Budapest, pouncing over the most delicious tomyum ever, waking up to a beautiful view overlooking the mighty Kuala Lumpur and meeting up with enthusiastic faces at JomLaunch4. Keep Reading
Jared asked everyone of their best Hari Raya memories which can be summed up in four keywords (in no particular order): FOOD, kids, fireworks & LAN party. Keep Reading
We are still reeling with excitement of the abundance of ideas and getting to know likeminded people at Jomlaunch 3.0. Get to know this amazing community of web and IT folks in Malaysia. Keep Reading
The following tells the tale of Hakim, our web developer who has recently come on board. It is a journey from his days at campus to how he joined us Stampede. This is his story. Keep Reading
Tony is our resident web analyst + developer and this is his first experience in participating in a regatta. The following adventure details his journey from Indonesia all the way to Langkawi, Malaysia. Keep Reading
During our last daily scrum meeting before the break, it got us talking of how excited we are to celebrate Hari Raya. So we decided to elaborate what the day means to us. Keep Reading
Anis Ayuni is back, sharing her experience interning for Stampede in this second instalment of blog series - before she goes out into the real world & kick some arse! Keep Reading
On serendipity, work professionalism and rising above the challenge to build her own website in less than 90 days, Anis Ayuni shares her first month experience interning at Stampede. Keep Reading
Since 2007, Stampede has been working closely for the Royal Langkawi International Regatta. A year ago today, Stampede had the best time at the best Regatta yet so far, as chronicled by Zana. Keep Reading
Remembering MH17
Aug 22 was declared a national mourning day in Malaysia as we finally received the fallen passengers of MH17 on our soil. Malaysians, welcome home. Keep Reading